Meet Us!
We are Jason and Adrienne Biehl and we're so glad you're here! We currently reside in Provo, Utah, but we are both from the quaintest little town called Sonora in Northern/Central California. We grew up there but didn't know each other. We belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, but Adrienne didn't back then. She had gone away to college after graduating high school, while Jason was serving a 2-year church mission in Italy. During that time, Adrienne found her faith and was baptized, moved home to Sonora, and met Jason just a few weeks later when he returned home as well. We fell in love and the rest is history! It was all very divinely planned, we have no doubt about that.
We moved here for Jason to attend BYU. We never thought we'd stay, but here we are! We bought a cute little home in Provo and Jason has a job here that he loves, so for the time being this is where we're meant to be!
Some things we LOVE include exploring the world and experiencing diverse cultures, spending time together and with our sweet dog Tank (he's a chocolate lab you see in many of our photos), taking trips to the canyon near us and going on hikes and walks, going to concerts and listening to live music, trying new foods, and playing board games, even if we do get a little competitive. :)
Family is the most important thing to us, and we were so excited to start our own. We tried for almost 5 years with no success. We saw many doctors and were ultimately diagnosed with unexplained infertility. But we always had faith that our Heavenly Father would provide us with the family and children we were meant to have, no matter how they come to us.
The excitement we feel to have our own baby, to love and cherish and raise up, is impossible to measure. We know that the baby that's meant to be ours will come into our family when the time is right. And we will be patiently waiting!
Here are a few photos to peek into life with us!

Meet Adrienne
A few things Adrienne loves are making nourishing food, family time, being outside soaking up the sunshine, books, seeing the world, meeting new people, TJ Maxx, cows, pineapples, and dark chocolate. She is currently a nanny for 2 sweet boys, and in the past has been a nanny to a total of 3 families, including 12 boys and 1 precious girl. Adrienne has the most nurturing heart and cares deeply about other people. She is a holistic nutritionist and owns her own company, Hello Nourished Life.
- Adrienne's Instagram and Facebook -
A little about Jason:

Meet Jason (Jay)
Jason is the king of Dad jokes and puns, so he's going to be a pro by the time he's actually a dad (I can't wait for that day, he's going to be amazing). His sense of humor is my favorite thing about him, apart from his faith in God. He works in computer software, but his real passion is music. He is extremely talented and you will always find him creating a tune, whether on his drum set, a piano, or just on a table with his hands. He is always looking for ways to better himself and grow to be a better person (although I think he's already pretty great).

Meet Tank
Tank loves belly rubs, car rides, swimming, peanut butter, and most of all his daily walks! He has the perfect temperament, is extremely gentle, and loves people of all ages. Tank is 7 and we adopted him from the Humane Society in January 2018. All jokes aside, he is the perfect dog for us! He's so darn sweet (and cute if you can't tell).
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