District BBQ

We recently had a "District Activity." We have only 4 couples in our district, 3 of us live within 100 ft of each other. And we all hang out anyway. Our neighbors are our friends. Our friends are in our district. It all works out beautifully. So we had a BBQ at the Ninows (the neighbors our duplex is attached to), with us, the Browns, and the Palmers. Lots of fun was had, and lots of food was eaten. Always a good time with these fun couples! 

Kristine made these Virgin Mojitos for us, and not only are they pretty...they were delicious!

I tried my hand at a homemade pie, and surprise surprise..it turned out great! I was so pleased with the outcome. It was Triple Berry Crumble. (This photo was before the crumble.) 

And some badminton matches in the backyard are always fun. 


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