Conference Center

To continue with our busy weekend, we took the trek up to SLC and toured the conference center. I have been wanting to do that since we moved here. And I am so glad we finally made it. The conference center is amazing. It is an incredibly enormous and beautiful building. While we were inside, learning the history and reasoning behind so much of the structure, the spirit was there and it was such a comforting feeling, testifying to me once again the truthfulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the church that he has organized - the church that I am so blessed to be a part of. And twice a year, a modern-day prophet of God stands at the podium in that beautiful building, and we have the privilege of receiving counsel and guidance from him. What a blessing! 

One of my favorite parts was going to the roof. I had heard it's amazing up there, but it definitely exceeded my expectations! It was HUGE! (But I guess what else would you expect of a building that is 1.4 million square feet?) The roof had a river flowing and a WATERFALL! And a fountain that sits right above the podium that was built entirely from a black walnut tree from President Gordon B. Hinckley's backyard. President Hinckley was actually extremely involved in the ideas and planning that went into the conference center. One of his ideas was the landscaping (yes, landscaping on the roof). It is meant to represent what the saints saw as they made the trek through Utah - echoing the mountains and the deserts. 

 This little boy and his parents did the tour with us. He was SO cute and SO full of energy! But I Just loved this picture I snapped of him. (Not creepy at all, right?)

And just a few of the inside...

We love Temple Square :)


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