Christmas and New Year's Eve

Over the weekend, my dad and Kelli came into town and we had dinner with them and played Monopoly. It was sooo so nice seeing them! It seems like it's been forever. I can't wait to go to Trinidad someday and see where they live. It sounds like a beach-y paradise.

On NYE, we went to The Willow for dinner with Mom, Bae, and Uncle Ron and Leslie. It was a nice plus seeing them while we were in town! And they bought us a new game for Christmas, Ticket to Ride. Perfect gift for us :)

We also got to spend quite a bit of time with Cassidy and Jesse. {I may have seen more kids than adults on this trip...} We took them to pizza and the park, and even got to spend NYE with them and Ian and Melina.

This picture of Cassidy and Jesse at the park makes me smile from ear to ear. They are so much fun, and this picture just expresses pure JOY!:)

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