Christmas Festivities
We enjoyed so many Christmas festivities this year, that I'm just going to bulk a couple together on this post. As I very obviously stated in my last post, I love Christmas time. It's just magical. It's even better when you get to celebrate so much with so many people you love.
We also had our Ward Christmas Party. It was a blast! Best one I've ever been to ;) They rented a huge inflatable obstacle course! We had races and played and ate yummy food. Such a perfect idea for a Student-Married Ward! So fun.

Jason and I got crafty with some of our Christmas gifts this year. And what a great idea it was! Our kitchen turned into our craft room for the month of December. We had so many jars from spaghetti sauce and whatnot that we decided we should do something with them. And we were pretty proud of the outcome! It was an adventure taking them on the plane to California though :)

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