Birds and Basketball
Jason was home doing homework and I was working from our living room, when suddenly we heard something crash into our window. Just a few nights previously, our neighbors attacked our front window with Nerf guns, so my first thought was that this was round two and I was ready to get my gun ready. But nope. A BIRD hit our window! Flew right into it! I'm not sure what happened, because our window was not clean, by any means. Ever since we moved in it's been impossible to clean. Silly bird. But I was worried about the little guy! He landed right on the window sill, and just sat there for a while. He must have been in some serious shock after that accident. It was a nice little distraction for me from work for a little bit. He hung around and I named him Henry, because I love that name and Jason doesn't, so we'll never get to use it for any of our kids. Eventually Henry flew away and was alright. But how cute is this bird! {Maybe I'm becoming a little crazy from so little human interaction with working from home.}

On another note, we don't always just sit at home and wait for birds to fly into our window. We went to the last home BYU Basketball game. It was so fun! And they won, so that's always a plus. I love being in Provo where there is always something to do! Makes for fun and easy date nights :)
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