The Nanny Returns
For those of you who don't know, I decided the "desk job" wasn't my style, so I am no longer working from home as a transcriptionist. It was far more difficult than I expected to sit at my computer all. day. long. And to me, the work was monotonous. Other peoples' finances are fascinating to a certain extent, but really not my passion (surprise, surprise, I know...). I was feeling bad that we invested such a large chunk of money for the schooling for me to just throw it away, but my sweet and very intelligent husband just looked at it as a learning experience. He helped me realize that it wasn't all for nothing because I learned that it's what I don't want to do ;) And I will always have it to fall back on if necessary.
I called up my previous nanny family and they were kind enough to take me back after three months and I am so much happier. It's amazing how rewarding it is to work with children. The tender, sweet moments with them are worth every minute. How could I want to do anything else? I'm pretty lucky to have a "job" like this.
The little ones were just as thrilled to have me back as I was to be back.
Infinitely better than staring at my computer all day long.
And just look at them!

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