December Part 1

December was a busy, busy month! We tried to fit in as much Christmas cheer as we could. It was wonderful!
Seven Peaks is a water park right around the corner from us. We LOVE going in the summertime! But we never dreamed we would be able to make it a winter activity! They turned it into a winter wonderland and it was awesome. They turned one of the slides into a bug snow-covered hill to sled down. So much fun!

Our ward Christmas party this year was ice skating. What a great idea!

We went to a fundraiser called The Festival of Trees! It was so much fun and for such a great cause. The proceeds go to Primary Children's Hospital. 


This is a gorgeous tree in Draper that they call the Tree of Life. Isn't it breathtaking??

This was at a Christmas Market here Provo. There are so many fun and festive activities around here!

And just a beautiful sunset at the temple. 

And we can't forget the lights at Temple Square!

I had my last day of work in December before we left for Christmas break. It was So. Bitter. Sweet. 
I love those kids! It was a difficult decision, but it was the right one. I sure miss them though!


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