December Part 2

Now for the really fun stuff. We had the opportunity to go to the Vegas Bowl! And the best part was I got to go with Jason this year. Vegas is not quite like Florida like last year, but it was still a blast.

BYU lost, but it was still a pretty good game {after the first quarter}. 

Then we were on our way to California for some family time!!

Nieces and nephews {and sisters} and gingerbread houses are the best. 

Jason and his drum teacher from high school. You could say he looks up to him. 
*This was not planned*

My cute little Jas

"Do you wanna build a snowmaaannn??"

Cute Christmas eve kiddos

On Christmas, we spent the morning at Matt's house and played with the kids and their new toys. 

Then we headed over to Jordan and Meghann's to spend the rest of the day with my family. 

The day after Christmas we went to Los Banos to see Dave and his family for a couple days. 
Unfortunately, this is the only picture I got. It was an intense game of air hockey. 

We love going to California and spending time with family! 


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