A New Year!
Happy New Year! I can't believe it's already 2016. It's crazy! Jason started a new semester of school and I started a new job working for Revere Health, a health clinic in our area. It's fun finally getting to use a little bit of all that medical terminology I studied for so long.
January also consisted of lots of snow, lots of friends, and lots of babies. None of our own, unfortunately, but we'll take what we can get.

Snow selfie
We also got to attend the Provo City Center Temple open house. It was breathtaking.
We are so excited that we have the opportunity to work in this temple once it opens up.
January also consisted of lots of snow, lots of friends, and lots of babies. None of our own, unfortunately, but we'll take what we can get.
We love that our friends will share their babies with us :) Aren't they so yummy?!
We also love our traditional Sunday dinners with them. We had this great idea of documenting each week, but we've only documented once. So here it is!
And we're missing the Ninows. We'll have to be better about that.
Date night at home!
Snow selfie
He's the best.
We also got to attend the Provo City Center Temple open house. It was breathtaking.
We are so excited that we have the opportunity to work in this temple once it opens up.
“In the temple, the precious plan of God is taught. It is in the temple that eternal covenants are made. The temple lifts us, exalts us, stands as a beacon for all to see, and points us toward celestial glory. It is the house of God. All that occurs within the walls of the temple is uplifting and ennobling.” - Thomas S. Monson
Here is a link if you'd like to see the inside of this beautiful House of the Lord.
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